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Afternoon Tea Etiquette Week @Language

‘Afternoon Tea’ je jeden z najznámejších anglických zvykov. Ako už viete, tento rok sa okrem angličtiny učíme spôsobom správania a etikete. Chceme, aby študenti nielen anglicky hovorili, ale aby sa vedeli slušne správať. V septembri to bolo viazanie kravaty, v októbri sme sa učili slušne poďakovať. A v tomto mesiaci Vám prinášame čajíky, keksíky, sendviče a etiketu. Celý týždeň popoludní sa v Language servíruje Afternoon Tea. Tešíme sa na Vás.

"We never get compliments, you must have a cup of tea!"

(Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland)

Like the Trooping the Colour and complaining about the weather, afternoon tea is a uniquely British custom. It was never out of style, but as of late, everyone wants a photo in front of a cake tier stand for their Instagram feed. At Language, this year belongs to manners and etiquette; and Afternoon Tea must appear on such schedule. In September, it was the Tie a Tie week. In October, we all learned how to show our gratitude. This week, let us have some tea, sandwiches and biscuits!

"We never get compliments, you must have a cup of tea!"

(Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland)

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